Civic Bridge empowers San Francisco citizens
to solve municipal issues.

Decentralized permit processes

Reduce friction for
small business owners

User research to map permit
processes and common pain points

Recommendations deck and
index of public resources

City and County of San Francisco
Mathew Larson | Innovation Strategist
Rebecca Villareal | Permit Center Director

Spencer Bowen | Design Lead
Erica Ales | Project Manager
Jinney Kho | Research Coordinator

In 2022, the rate of small business openings in San Francisco outpaced the rate of small business closures for the first time since the pandemic.

In order to improve the services provided to small business owners, government officials partnered with Civic Bridge consultants.

The Civic Bridge team reviewed relevant government resources for small business owners and scheduled meetings with representatives from The City Administrator’s Office, The Office of Economic and Workforce Development, and The Office of Civic Innovation.

Through this work, we learned that permit requirements are most complex for restaurateurs at the pre-lease stage.
This lens guided ongoing research.

Interview Insights
To probe the complexities of opening a business in San Francisco, the team coordinated one-on-one virtual interviews with local restaurant owners.

Restauranteurs described their approach to the research phase of opening a restaurant, useful resources, and interactions with The Permit Center and the Business Portal website.

Business Portal
The Business Portal is a self-service resource with a user-driven flow. Restauranteurs engaging with the Business Portal want to know what questions to prioritize, who to direct these questions to, and how to reach relevant contacts.

Permit Center
Due to the Permit Center’s long wait times and lack of CRM, restauranteurs found the Office of the Mayor and the manager of the Small Business Accelerator program are much more efficient at fielding and directing inquiries.

Restauranteurs reported that it was difficult to find the most important information: Approximate cost estimates, timelines, and order of operations. These conversations also highlighted the importance of insider advice from mentors and established restauranteurs.

The Civic Bridge team identified several major barriers to creating an end-to-end permit process map. Thus, final recommendations aimed to address these barriers while reducing friction for small business owners.

Data Management
Consolidate public resources online
Implement CRM software
Document data governance policies

Case Manager Experience
Introduce mentor program
Introduce case manager intake form
Prioritize pre-lease permit applicants

Internal Organization
Designate customer service manager
Designate department representatives
Schedule regular all-hands meetings

Public Outreach
Compile and report updated policies
Circulate public feedback forms
Schedule regular feedback reviews

Civic Bridge participants facilitated a 60-minute virtual workshop for internal stakeholders to present recommendations. Participants included officials from more than a dozen departments.